UA-135136427-1 The Rights Factory | Literary Agency | Toronto
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At The Rights Factory, we don't just want to help bring amazing books into the world, we want to widen the canon and uplift new voices who deserve to be read. Check out some of our highlight titles:

Our Story

The Rights Factory is an editorial literary agency with agents based around the world. Our vision is the empowerment of authors within their art and careers, and our mission is to champion storytellers from creation through publication. Guided by the values of tenacity and continuous learning, we work to support the success of each creative work as well as the artistic growth of each of our clients.


It can be challenging to understand the nuances of the publishing industry. It is part of our job to bridge that knowledge gap, and we do this by practicing mentorship, internally and externally. This means that we support each other and our authors to both create a solid community and ensure that we are growing together. The practice of internal mentorship creates vital space for connection and creativity.


This is a relationship-based industry, and it is critical to us that you feel happy in choosing the right person to represent you and your art. We pride our agency on being a community of caring friends, within a wider community of creative arts professionals, making magic, creating books. 


Thank you for trusting us with your work and time. We encourage you to peruse our recent deals, check out our agents page, and when you're ready, get in touch with your query. Finally, if you are interested in working in the publishing industry, please get in touch via our contact form.


Wishing you inspiration, always.

— The Rights Factory Team

Our Commitment to Diversity

Stories create conversations. As literary agents, it's our job to search for and amplify as many voices, experiences, and perspectives are possible so these conversations can continue to flourish. In order to be successful as both agents and humans, we strive to embody compassion, curiosity, critical thinking, and a firm commitment to make our world a better place.

We champion diversity because every voice has value, and not all voices have had an equitable chance to be heard. We believe diversity is not a statement, nor is it a destination. It's a process that involves listening, learning, and actioning change to offset centuries of oppression, colonization, and appropriation. At TRF, we: 

  • are committed to the empowerment of marginalized individuals and opposing disenfranchisement in its many forms;

  • endorse justice, equity, and inclusion in every aspect of our work; and

  • are adamantly opposed to book banning and censorship in libraries, schools, and other public spaces.


Above all, we say: let these conversations continue with respect and empathy, because without them, we can't move forward.

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