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Drew Dotson
Drew Dotson’s writing career began at age 9 when her first published work — a poem entitled "Broccoli" — was featured in a children's literary magazine. Though most of her work resides online, she reemerged on the print scene with the publication of her late husband Ramón's obituary. She is an Atlanta-based author who uses her experience with chronic illness, widowhood, and humor to inspire and uplift others both on the page and on the stage.
Born with cystic fibrosis, Drew's childhood included frequent doctor visits and daily respiratory therapy, however, there were also lots of soccer games, dance lessons, and art projects. Drew earned a Bachelor of Arts in communication and journalism from Georgia State University before discovering her love of improv at Whole World Improv Theatre in Atlanta in 2008. This led to roles performing, emceeing, and teaching with the company.
She currently works as a freelance writer and uses her improv skills to lead therapeutic sessions and communication workshops. In addition, she has served as a visiting scholar at the University of Northern Iowa, teaching students how to incorporate improv into professional settings.
Drew is a passionate advocate for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Some additional interests include gummy bears, Atlanta sports (especially the Braves), hoodies, jigsaw puzzles, cheese in all its forms, and coming up with new nicknames for her three beagles, to whom she is utterly devoted.