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Royce Buckingham
Royce Buckingham is an American fantasy writer with an English degree from Whitman College and a law degree from the University of Oregon. In 2006, Royce sold his first novel, the middle grade fantasy DEMONKEEPER, to Penguin, Putnam. His screenplay for DEMONKEEPER then sold to 20th Century Fox.
In his debut, Royce made reading lists, garnered good reviews, and hit the bestseller list overseas in Germany. DEMONKEEPER (DAMLICHE DAMONEN) sold over 100,000 copies for Random House, Penhaligon, who then commissioned a trilogy. Over the last decade and a half, Royce has published fourteen novels with major publishers and won multiple writing awards for his novels and screenwriting. He became a best-selling author a second time in Germany with his medieval fantasy trilogy, Die Kart der Welt (Mapper). Royce’s book Monster Lawyer is an urban fantasy released by Blanvalet in Germany at Halloween 2022.
The Monster Lawyer sequel was released for Halloween 2023. In addition to writing books, Royce writes screenplays and works as a prosecuting attorney in Bellingham, Washington, a magical place where he lives with his family overlooking the islands of Puget Sound.